System is a Device which Performs a specific Operation
- Embedded is a Combination of Hardware/Software to perform a specific operation on a specific Task.
- Software is a Collection of Program
- Computer system performs multiple operations
- Compare to Computer/Systems Embedded Performs single operation in specific operations
Embedded System:
Examples for Embedded are:
Examples for Embedded are:
1. Automatic Washing Machine
2. Digital Camera etc.,.
Real Time System:
A Specific operation is completed in a specific time period is known as Real Time System. They are of 2 types:
1. Soft Real Time System
2. Hard Real Time System
Soft Real Time System: If operation doesn't complete in a specific time it will extend the time to complete operation.
Hard Real Time System: If the operation doesn't complete in a specific time period then it will faces a number of problems, then manually we need operate.
We use Keil Compiler
Keil Compiler we use programming languages viz., C, assembly language & Java.
we have two types
1.Optional Hardware (DTMF/I2C/Combus)
2. Mandatory Hardware
(Microcontroller/LED/LCD/Switches/Buzzer/Sensor/Motors, etc.,)
C programming is an High Level Language- Assembly language is a Low Level Language/Machine Language/Commands.
- Security is the main Drawback in C Programming, to overcome this drawback we use C++,Java.
Embedded System divided into following:
Embedded system
(1) (2) (3)
Medium Scale
Large Scale
These two are Mandatory
** In this We
C and C++ Programming.
**PIC - Peripheral Interface Connector (32 Bit)
**ARM (Advanced RISC Machine) 64bit Mostly used in Large Scale.
Design Parameters of Embedded System:
- Performance
- Size
- Cost
- RTS (Real Time System)
- Speed
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